Current fire danger for the state of Maine from the Maine Forest Service

For the complete rules regarding open air burning from the Maine Forest Service, click HERE

Where Can I Pickup a burning permit?

Burning permits may be picked up from the duty public safety dispatcher at the Southwest Harbor Police Department located at 26 Village Green way.  You may call the dispatcher at 244-7911 to check if permits are being issued for the day. Permits will be issued for the open air burning of non toxic wood products including untreated building materials, brush, grass and leaves. As our Fire Department is all volunteer, the majority of the membership work during the day; many not in the immediate area of town. Grass and blueberry fields that are burning can quickly get out of control. Not having an adequate number of Fire Fighters to respond could find that what started as a small blaze turns into a major fire. For this reason, permits for Grass and Blueberry fields will not be issued for use before 5:00 pm.





How long can I have a permit issued for?

Residential permit (permits issued to the owner of a property for burning on that owners property)  are issued for no more than 3 days at a time and will not be issued more than 12 hours prior to the time of the commencement of burning.  Any open burning must be completely extinguished at any  point where no adult will be present to supervise the fire. Should the Fire Department be dispatched to handle an unattended permitted burn, the property owner may be held responsible for any costs incurred to extinguish the fire.  Where our weather conditions can be extremely unpredictable and can change quickly, Residents with multi-day permits MUST contact the Police Department Dispatcher each day  prior to  the start of burning to ensure that permits are still being issued for that day.  If permits have been canceled for the day in question, the permit for that day is null and void until open burning has been reopened

Commercial (burning done by a contact company on property not owned by the contractor, whether for a fee, other compensation or as part of a contract) may be issued for any length of time as determined and approved by the Town's Forestry Warden. Any burning materials MUST be completely extinguished at the point where the contractor or other adult will no longer on site to attend to the fire. Should the Fire Department be dispatched to handle an unattended permitted burn, the property owner and/or the contractor may be held responsible for any costs incurred to extinguish the fire.   The commercial contactor MUST contact the Police Department Dispatcher each day prior to the start of burning to ensure that permits are still being issued for that day.   If permits have been canceled for the day in question, the permit for that day is null and void until open burning has been re-opened.








May I have a permit for a rubbish barrel?

The burning of rubbish whether in a barrel or not is no longer permitted and a permit will not be issued

Who is responsible for the final decision whether conditions are safe for open air burning?

The local forestry warden, appointed by the Town and endorsed by the State forestry division, with on exception, is the final authority having jurisdiction regarding all open air burning.  The one exception occurs when the Governor declares a ban on all outside burning due to extreme fire danger conditions.

Will I need a permit for my barbecue grill?

No provided that it is used as designed for the cooking of food

When do I need a burning permit?

Permits are required any time open fires are to be kindled for the burning of allowable materials.  Exceptions to this rule will be for fires used exclusively for the cooking of foods, provided that the fire is extinguished immediately after the conclusion of cooking.

